


Fer Ksado Ouzado Sr DecMaiorIdade Thay Ksada Thay Ksada


ThayKsada, Thay Ksada
Friend came once more inside me We left the motel pool completely tired, as you saw in part 02 of this day, it was really evil , I still had a weak leg, I took a shower, and we went to rest, and it really was the end, it was supposed to be over, but the Fer... the Fer!!! then it started again, I already had no strength, but it was him teasing me, and I remember everything we did to have that night like this, totally free, in the same fur, aff... (I already got horny writing) Of course we decided to enjoy it a little more, Fer started making me hot while on his friend s dick, and soon after I sat on him a lot, I sat until he came again, what a delight at night.