


Robert Robert Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg Veronika


Public Invasion
it was another great day i was again in the streets looking to get some good pussy when i found this sexy blond chick by the name vero veronika i asked for directions and she said she would take me to it perfect i immediately started asking questions this girl really was beautiful i went up to her and asked her if i could sit and she was very friendly and said yes so i asked her if she had a boyfriend ooo the next thing you know i was asking her all types of sex questions and i noticed she was getting excitedi inmediately asked to look at her pussy she wanted more money and for us to move away from the onoxious guy so we didwe walked for some time find a spot and got straight to some hardcore fucking she really was in shape like a dancer and we had a great afternoon i had a very nice time and i think you will too so click on this movie and enjoy